Saturday, September 17, 2011

Things you might not think of…

Lower end hostels are sometimes not as quiet as their up market neighbors. If you don’t sleep as soundly as my husband (who could sleep through Armageddon), ear plugs can come in handy. I’ve also downloaded an hour long vacuum cleaner soundtrack onto my iPod from iTunes to act as white noise. Yeah, I’m a light sleeper.

Something that didn’t occur to me until I read about it on other websites that might come in handy are nail clippers, especially if you plan to be gone a while.

To help compress my clothing into the size a little larger than a football, I use a compression sack. If you are packing light you will more than likely completely unpack your back every day – there will not be any mystery items riding around in the bottom of your bag.

Packing light in a small bag doesn’t leave a lot of room for things like souvenirs. After a couple of trips where we spent our last day hunting for a duffel bag to pack those extra purchases, we started carrying ultralite compressed duffel bags like the one to the side. It’s thin and not great to carry long distance, but will hold your laundry and non-essentials on the flight home to make room for souvenirs in your carry-on.

I’m one of those people who has to have her cup of tea in the morning to get going. I first saw water heaters like the one to the side twenty years ago in Eastern Europe. They will heat a cup of water in a few minutes. It’s best to give it a stir once in a while.

If you are taking electronics, you might find a mini power strip helpful. Rooms often have only one outlet. We found it works to charge 2 iPods, phone, Kindle, water heater, and camera battery charger with no problem. Small and compact.

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